Sukhumvit Road, as the rest of Bangkok and Thailand is continuously changing, and in this case not necessarily for the better.A lot of time has passed since the economic crisis started in 1997, and while there is encouraging news lately, a large proportion of the urban populations seems to be suffering more and more in the last few years. While this was a rare sight in the mid 1990's, you will see quite a few homeless people spending day and night just standing or lying around on the pavement, in dirty clothes and unwashed in months. They probably survive on handouts from the many food stalls around Sukhumvit. The number of beggars has risen exponentially over the last year. They crowded around the skytrain exits and around the pedestrian bridges over the road. They are not just regular beggars, but most of them feature gross physical deformations, due to leprosy, road accidents or congenital malformations. It really is a museum of horrors, although one seldom stands still and reflects on them. Quite a few of them have open wounds. It may be heartless to say, but most likely some of them reopen them before going to work, to evoke compassion and pity from the many tourists who crowd the street.
It is also not uncommon to find beggars simply lying on the pavement (usually with gross limb deformations) while pedestrians have to navigate around them. Even in poorly lit areas this can happen, and the chances of stepping on them, are quite real, and possibly is what is hoped for. On one of the pedestrian bridges a young woman has taken the habit of positioning her about 6 months old child in the middle of the walkway, also probably hoping for an 'accident' which would create a situation where she could ask for compensation from a guilty feeling tourist who just stepped on the child. Yes, I know I am overly cynical about all this.
I seldom give to beggars nowadays, although I can make an exception for a women with child sitting by the roadside. Rumour has it that some gangs control the beggars, and that they make a lot of money overall. Most likely this is an urban myth, created so people do not feel guilty passing by these people, and neglecting them. My personal opinion is that this problem should be solved by the Thai people themselves. It is not up to the tourists visiting and looking for entertainment. If they are 'real' beggars, the Thai government, charities and Thai rich tycoons should be doing something about it. If it are illegal immigrants or if gangs are involved, it is up to the police department. Surely, it is a real eyesore, and is one further step in the degradation of . Sukhumvit Road
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Shark Go Go Bar is a top place in Soi Cowboy
You are invited in Soi Cowboy’s best place to enjoy an unforgettable time with the most beautiful Thai dancer ladies in Bangkok, Thailand.
Entertainment with Night Parties with lucky draw, theme night parties and much more are proposed every night by the SHARK Go Go Bar…
The bar features an air-conditioned luxury interior with private seating booths, 2 floors with glass dance floor, Snooker & Bar, Terrace Bar, VIP room, Free Internet...
Entertainment with Night Parties with lucky draw, theme night parties and much more are proposed every night by the SHARK Go Go Bar…
The bar features an air-conditioned luxury interior with private seating booths, 2 floors with glass dance floor, Snooker & Bar, Terrace Bar, VIP room, Free Internet...
Shark Go Go Bar
'Turnover' at bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy
Historical background and explanation :Girls at the bars of Patpong, Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy dance on stage in shifts. The girls are divided in two or three groups who alternatively dance for 3 to 5 consecutive 'songs'. Up to a few years (there were less bars, and the bars possibly had more girls on average) there were always three shifts. In between dancing, the girls had ample time to go and sit with the customers, get some lady drinks, and get acquainted.
The last few years the three-shift system all but has disappeared. Most likely the bars employ less girls on average, and they try to make the most out of them and out of the customers. As a result, the girls have less time to get acquainted with the customers. When coming off stage, they typically linger around a bit, go to the bathroom, chat with their friends, before walking around trying to catch the eye of a customer, and sit down with him. After a minute or two, the customer might buy a lady drink, she has to get it (another few minutes), and before you know she is back up on stage dancing. The customer may wait for her, she may come back to finish her drink with you, but more likely than not, by the time she comes back off stage, the customer has moved on to another bar.All in all, this is a great way to increase the number of lady drinks, but once the customers have picked up on this, it is kind of a turndown.
Now some bars have gone to some extremes, limited the number of songs per shift to only four, and having two shifts of girls overlapping on stage for one song. Girls may be off stage only for the duration of 3 songs (about 10 minutes), so you can calculate how much time you can spend with them. The bars who have this kind of rather offputting policy, we list as 'fast-turnover' bars.
On the other hand, some bars still have girls dancing in three shifts (the really busy bars usually), have shows in between shifts, keep the girls longer on stage, on still have girls entering the dancing stage, one after another, and not in groups. These bars we would classify as 'slow-turnover' bars, and might be more enticing to visit. Though they are not all fully described on this website, a lot of the very small bars at Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza fall into this category, and therefore may be more attractive to visitors who want to interact and chat with the girls.
The last few years the three-shift system all but has disappeared. Most likely the bars employ less girls on average, and they try to make the most out of them and out of the customers. As a result, the girls have less time to get acquainted with the customers. When coming off stage, they typically linger around a bit, go to the bathroom, chat with their friends, before walking around trying to catch the eye of a customer, and sit down with him. After a minute or two, the customer might buy a lady drink, she has to get it (another few minutes), and before you know she is back up on stage dancing. The customer may wait for her, she may come back to finish her drink with you, but more likely than not, by the time she comes back off stage, the customer has moved on to another bar.All in all, this is a great way to increase the number of lady drinks, but once the customers have picked up on this, it is kind of a turndown.
Now some bars have gone to some extremes, limited the number of songs per shift to only four, and having two shifts of girls overlapping on stage for one song. Girls may be off stage only for the duration of 3 songs (about 10 minutes), so you can calculate how much time you can spend with them. The bars who have this kind of rather offputting policy, we list as 'fast-turnover' bars.
On the other hand, some bars still have girls dancing in three shifts (the really busy bars usually), have shows in between shifts, keep the girls longer on stage, on still have girls entering the dancing stage, one after another, and not in groups. These bars we would classify as 'slow-turnover' bars, and might be more enticing to visit. Though they are not all fully described on this website, a lot of the very small bars at Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza fall into this category, and therefore may be more attractive to visitors who want to interact and chat with the girls.
J-Bars as bars that are mostly frequented by Japanese customers
J-Bars as bars that are mostly frequented by Japanese customers. How this came about, we have no way of knowing. Most likely some bars are actively promoted, talked about at certain websites, and mentioned as Japanese-friendly in Japanese guidebooks.
In any case, some of these bars are among the most busy at Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. The Rainbow bars at Nana Plaza, and Baccara bar at Soi Cowboy are the most popular venues for Japanese visitors to the nightlife scene.
Historically Japanese visitors had their own entertainment venues around Silom and scattered in karaoke bars and lounges around town. Often, signs would tell visitors only Japanese customers were allowed inside. But over the last few years Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy have become popular with this group of visitors. Most likely, these venues are much cheaper to visit.
The coming of the Japanese has some important consequences for the bars involved, the bar girls, and the (farang) customers.The bars, that have a lot of Japanese customers, seem to be doing well, kind of without exception. The Rainbow bars at Nana Plaza actually still have lower beverages prices than most, so customers are not overcharged, even if they can be assumed to have more to spend.
The girls benefit, because this group of customers spends much more on drinks and on the girls. We have it from good sources (that is, the girls themselves) that minimum short-time pay starts from 2,500 baht and up (4000 baht is not unusual). Once the girls have tasted this, it is very understandably very hard for them to accost a farang customer, who still may want to bargain for a 1,000 bath outing. We fully also understand this situation. After all, when working for a certain salary, would we accept and continue working is the salary dropped by half the next month?
While they still may like individual customers, most of the girls dancing and working at J-bars, hardly make eye contact with farangs, and concentrate on the Japanese customers. It has to be said, there seem to be two distinct groups of Japanese visitors to the bars. One group are the people who work here for a Thai-Japanese company. The other group consists of tourists. Most of the latter group seem to be rather young people, fashionably dressed, with blonded hair and the like, and are very popular with the bargirls. No way the average, middle-aged, bald and overweight farang can compete with these young people.
Since the Japanese seem to be much more attracted to beauty and cuteness, the girls in the bars tend to be better looking than average, and certainly better looking than in most of the other bars. It has become fashionable since a few years for bar girls to adapt the Japanese custom of dying one's hair, and you will find few girls with (attractive) Asian black hair. The fact that a lot of the girls in these bars are good looking, makes them still attractive to visit to farang customers, even though their chances of attracting the girls are minor (unless they indicate wanting to spend a lot of money)
Japanese customers (and other Asian visitors) are spreading out, and we do not know what the long-term effect of this will be on the nightlife at Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. After all, Asian tourists have long overtaken farang tourists to the land of smiles, and this now shows itself at the nightlife venues, that up to about 7-10 year ago were almost exclusively visited by customers from Europe and U.S.A.
In any case, some of these bars are among the most busy at Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. The Rainbow bars at Nana Plaza, and Baccara bar at Soi Cowboy are the most popular venues for Japanese visitors to the nightlife scene.
Historically Japanese visitors had their own entertainment venues around Silom and scattered in karaoke bars and lounges around town. Often, signs would tell visitors only Japanese customers were allowed inside. But over the last few years Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy have become popular with this group of visitors. Most likely, these venues are much cheaper to visit.
The coming of the Japanese has some important consequences for the bars involved, the bar girls, and the (farang) customers.The bars, that have a lot of Japanese customers, seem to be doing well, kind of without exception. The Rainbow bars at Nana Plaza actually still have lower beverages prices than most, so customers are not overcharged, even if they can be assumed to have more to spend.
The girls benefit, because this group of customers spends much more on drinks and on the girls. We have it from good sources (that is, the girls themselves) that minimum short-time pay starts from 2,500 baht and up (4000 baht is not unusual). Once the girls have tasted this, it is very understandably very hard for them to accost a farang customer, who still may want to bargain for a 1,000 bath outing. We fully also understand this situation. After all, when working for a certain salary, would we accept and continue working is the salary dropped by half the next month?
While they still may like individual customers, most of the girls dancing and working at J-bars, hardly make eye contact with farangs, and concentrate on the Japanese customers. It has to be said, there seem to be two distinct groups of Japanese visitors to the bars. One group are the people who work here for a Thai-Japanese company. The other group consists of tourists. Most of the latter group seem to be rather young people, fashionably dressed, with blonded hair and the like, and are very popular with the bargirls. No way the average, middle-aged, bald and overweight farang can compete with these young people.
Since the Japanese seem to be much more attracted to beauty and cuteness, the girls in the bars tend to be better looking than average, and certainly better looking than in most of the other bars. It has become fashionable since a few years for bar girls to adapt the Japanese custom of dying one's hair, and you will find few girls with (attractive) Asian black hair. The fact that a lot of the girls in these bars are good looking, makes them still attractive to visit to farang customers, even though their chances of attracting the girls are minor (unless they indicate wanting to spend a lot of money)
Japanese customers (and other Asian visitors) are spreading out, and we do not know what the long-term effect of this will be on the nightlife at Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. After all, Asian tourists have long overtaken farang tourists to the land of smiles, and this now shows itself at the nightlife venues, that up to about 7-10 year ago were almost exclusively visited by customers from Europe and U.S.A.
Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy
Rainbow 1
The first of the Rainbow bars. It is the first real a-go-go bar on the right of Nana Plaza ground floor.The bar is medium sized, but is always rather packed with people. It is part of the busy, most interesting corner of Nana Plaza, which also includes Playskool, Hollywood, and the bigger sister bar Rainbow 2.
Always a lot of girls on stage at Rainbow 1, making it rather crowded. We checked it our lately, and found that no less than about 150 girls are actually working at Rainbow 1! If you go around midnight, about a 100 of them will already have left the premises. Who thinks there is no money to be made in the gogo bars?There is no lack of girls, and therefore the girls dance in three shifts. Most bars nowadays have only two. As a result the girls have lots of time in between dancing, and this is clearly to the benefit of the customers. They do not disappear right away, after you buy them a drink, as in most places around Nana Plaza.
Possibly the bar appeals more to some customers than its sister bar Rainbow 2, which possibly due to its size, has a little bit less atmosphere.
Drink prices are at 125 baht for a beer.
Always a lot of girls on stage at Rainbow 1, making it rather crowded. We checked it our lately, and found that no less than about 150 girls are actually working at Rainbow 1! If you go around midnight, about a 100 of them will already have left the premises. Who thinks there is no money to be made in the gogo bars?There is no lack of girls, and therefore the girls dance in three shifts. Most bars nowadays have only two. As a result the girls have lots of time in between dancing, and this is clearly to the benefit of the customers. They do not disappear right away, after you buy them a drink, as in most places around Nana Plaza.
Possibly the bar appeals more to some customers than its sister bar Rainbow 2, which possibly due to its size, has a little bit less atmosphere.
Drink prices are at 125 baht for a beer.
Nana Plaza
Thursday, July 10, 2008
tiger sexy dancer and go go night entertainment patong
Tiger bar area sexy dancer and go go night entertainment patong
entertainment patong
thai bangkok go go bar nanaplaza
abngkok nightlife
abngkok nightlife bbangkok nightlife vangkok nightlife nangkok nightlife gangkok nightlife hangkok nightlife bngkok nightlife bnagkok nightlife baangkok nightlife bsngkok nightlife bzngkok nightlife bqngkok nightlife bwngkok nightlife bagkok nightlife bagnkok nightlife banngkok nightlife babgkok nightlife bamgkok nightlife bahgkok nightlife bajgkok nightlife bankok nightlife bankgok nightlife banggkok nightlife banfkok nightlife banhkok nightlife bantkok nightlife banykok nightlife banvkok nightlife banbkok nightlife bangok nightlife bangokk nightlife bangkkok nightlife bangjok nightlife banglok nightlife bangiok nightlife bangook nigh
abngkok nightlife bbangkok nightlife vangkok nightlife nangkok nightlife gangkok nightlife hangkok nightlife bngkok nightlife bnagkok nightlife baangkok nightlife bsngkok nightlife bzngkok nightlife bqngkok nightlife bwngkok nightlife bagkok nightlife bagnkok nightlife banngkok nightlife babgkok nightlife bamgkok nightlife bahgkok nightlife bajgkok nightlife bankok nightlife bankgok nightlife banggkok nightlife banfkok nightlife banhkok nightlife bantkok nightlife banykok nightlife banvkok nightlife banbkok nightlife bangok nightlife bangokk nightlife bangkkok nightlife bangjok nightlife banglok nightlife bangiok nightlife bangook nigh
go go bar nanaplaza
Thailand Scenes thru bloodshot eyes
Thai scenes and nightlife done to popular music. Scenes of Bangkoks' Sukhumvit Rd, Soi Cowboy, Patong Beach, Sukhothai and Chiang Mai
Thailand Scenes
Soi Cowboy Slides
A laid-back slide-show of one of Bangkok's famous entertainment venues. Laid-back too, in comparison to say, Patpong or Nana.
Soi Cowboy Slides
The Lifestyle Bangkok Party Indians
A glimpse of the Thai and Bangkok-Indians nightlife party experience and a bit more
Bangkok Party
Soi Cowboy Spice Girls - Bangkok Nightlife Street
Soi Cowboy Spice Girls - Bangkok Nightlife Street
Soi Cowboy
Tata Young

Tata Young (born December 14, 1980 in Thailand) is a Thai American singer, model and actress.
A Thai superstar at age 15, she became an international success with the release of her first English-language album I Believe in 2004. She remains one of the most popular performers in Thailand, and is a perennial "favorite" pick by magazines and music-video channels.
Tata Young
Nat Kesirin White T- Shirt Beach Photoshoot
Nat Kesirin White T- Shirt Beach Photoshoot
Sexy Thai Model Nat Kesirin ( Nong Nat / Nat Chanapa ) in a White T-Shirt Beach Photoshoot.
Nat Kesirin
Nat Kesirin White Shirt and Bikini at the Beach
Nat Kesirin White Shirt and Bikini at the Beach
Here we have sexy Thai Model Nat Kesirin ( aka Nong Nat ) wearing a White Shirt and Bikini on the Beach.
Nat Kesirin
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- Sukhumvit : Museum of horrors
- Shark Go Go Bar is a top place in Soi Cowboy
- 'Turnover' at bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy
- J-Bars as bars that are mostly frequented by Japan...
- Rainbow 1
- tiger sexy dancer and go go night entertainment pa...
- thai bangkok go go bar nanaplaza
- Thailand Scenes thru bloodshot eyes
- Soi Cowboy Slides
- The Lifestyle Bangkok Party Indians
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- Bangkok Nightlife
- Soi Cowboy Spice Girls - Bangkok Nightlife Street
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- Nat Kesirin White T- Shirt Beach Photoshoot
- Nat Kesirin White Shirt and Bikini at the Beach
- Girl on bus